These are Winter Prices
Salt Lake Airport to Park City
Salt Lake Airport to Deer Valley
Salt Lake Airport to Snowbird
Rest of the Area locations Charges per Mile $4/mile. Above Prices May Higher In Peek Days.
Park city Taxi Shuttle Service
Park City Taxi Shuttle Service are providing Private Car, Taxi and Shuttle services since 2017 in Park City, If you are looking for a ride option for Park City, we can serve you greatly. Feel free to contact us to ask about our available services. Park City resort Canyon Resort and Deer Valley Resort Great Place to Visit. Even when Uber not available in park City we are still available. We are also providing Taxi and shuttle services from Park city to Salt Lake city Airport.
Highly recommended to drive AWD vehicle in winter time in park city. our vehicle are AWD and best road traction Tire installed. Our goal is safety first, feel free to ask us to send you our vehicle picture so you can see if our vehicle meet the requirement of snow season.

Weather Report of Park City Utah